#NintendoDirect: Project Octopath Traveler, el nuevo RPG de Square Enix para Switch, saldrá de forma simultánea en todo el mundo en 2018.
Enix Game Taisen - All About Enix, a 1995 book on the games produced by the company:
Are you ready? Because Square Enix is putting together best of all worlds in this new fantasy series! #gamer #otaku https://t.co/wzzNir74VX
Dia Horizon, nuevo proyecto multimedia de Square Enix, presenta novedades https://t.co/Pikb0wgTj8
SQUARE ENIX CAFÉで限定発売中の「ドラクエ11アクリルスタンド」は、ドリンク注文で貰えるコースターもディスプレイできちゃいます!
キャラ組み合わせも可能なのでアレコレお試しください〜!#ドラクエ11 #DQ11 https://t.co/IiFC4S6Ws3
Last week Square Enix announced a new multimedia project that will feature an anime and other media, Dia Horizon https://t.co/AQxamwtHVO
Square Enix's Dia Horizon Project Announces Game, Manga, Web Anime, Novel
Square Enix's Dia Horizon Project Announces Game, Manga, Web Anime, Novel https://t.co/vertx1HtYx #Games #Anime #Manga
Square Enix has announced Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will be released in the west next year. https://t.co/TWdnGVDZCP
Square Enix Announces Dia Horizon Project, TV Anime With Promo Video
#DiaHorizon the new Square Enix project announced! TV Anime starts in this October. #ディアホラ https://t.co/g5jP3aWgPf
Poll of the Day: What other Square Enix Character(s) would you like to see in #KingdomHearts 3?
【お仕事宣伝】SQUARE ENIX様のPS4/PSVita版「乖離性ミリオンアーサー」様にて「傀儡型シシララ・ファントムフレーム」を描かせていただいておりました。よろしくお願いします。#PS版乖離性MA #PS版乖離性ミリオンアーサー
Square Enix anuncia que fabricarán figuras Bring Arts de Sora, Donald y Goofy en su versión de Toy Story
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