【Anime Japan 楽しみです! 😀】
AJ 2018 is this weekend--obviously I can't go, but I look forward to seeing photos, and hopefully getting some interesting news about season 2. 楽しんで! ☺

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【喫煙休憩 - Smoke Break 😏】
I wanted to try drawing 執事凜, as portrayed in the new official art that came out this week. He is kind of being terrible at his job, though. Find another time to smoke, man! 😁

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Love letters 💕✨😌
White day will be soon, so get ready!

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【イベント】いよいよ今週!2/18(日) WF2018[冬]ニトロプラスブース(1-05-01)で、撮影に使用した布袋劇人形の殺無生、鐵笛仙、獵魅、道化師姿の凜雪鴉、偽殤不患、居酒屋主人、棄天帝を展示!新劇場上映ツイートキャンペーン第2弾や新作アイテム販売!https://t.co/ALGAAMbooj

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