【眼鏡泥棒】 😈
Finally caught up with the current season of TBF and am enjoying all the puppet shenanigans as much as ever. Amended an earlier piece to reflect the recent episode involving certain characters. Go get 'em, Lin! 😄

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【Anime Japan 楽しみです! 😀】
AJ 2018 is this weekend--obviously I can't go, but I look forward to seeing photos, and hopefully getting some interesting news about season 2. 楽しんで! ☺

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【ハッピーバレンタインデー! ♥️】
Happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to try to draw an unusual pairing for this day, so this happened. Everyone in this show seems to stalk and obsess over 不患--啸狂狷 is no exception. 😁

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As I said before, these two could be intriguing rivals, so playing weird board games may be something they do.

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虚淵は新キャラクターを「怪しい」と記述した。だから, 凜雪鴉が彼のライバルにふさわしいと出会ったのかと思う。非常に興味深い...

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