Full Throttle, 1995. LucasArts.

0 22

1147). Nov1995.
In an era of static, characters-posing-and-grimacing covers, was a master of dynamic, action packed covers

6 66

◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 한국의 화가 『류경채(Ru Kyung-Chae)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1920.10.05 - 1995.12.28
● Artist CV: https://t.co/YPN6NWsQUS

0 0

1142). Nov1995.
This cover has been seared into my brain forever!

7 86

My Twitter worth is: $7,995.95

Find yours with https://t.co/xxpMLClQy1

1 15

Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe, 1995. Adventure Soft.

2 17

Introducing my first halloween retro game: Clock Tower The First Fear is a survival horror point-and-click adventure game published in 1995. I'm gonna start tonight.

Lay your eyes on this insane prologue (1/2)

0 7

1128). Oct1995.
Salvador Larroca steps in for art on this one

3 41

1121). Oct1995.
A truly massive gatefold cover by , as this issue helped celebrate the 20th anniversary of the All New All Different X-Men! I always loved this depiction of Storm—focused and unstoppable. Oh, and Colossus is back!

(This came out 25 years ago? Geeze!)

15 80

1120). Sep1995.
If you thought the last issue was GRIMDARK, this one might be even moreso!

3 31

1995. Legendary year.

61 415

1109). Sep1995.
A cover by the legend himself !

5 63

Honorary Britpop band Garbage released their brilliant single “Only Happy When It Rains” today in 1995. Who’s got one of these limited edition 7” versions? I’d love to see a photo.

9 49

Full Throttle, 1995. LucasArts.

0 40

1104). Sep1995.
Oh hey it’s the Mimic! Haven’t seen him in a while...

2 48

1102). Sep1995.
The Gene Nation story heats up, with a cover by !

3 40

1101). Aug1995.
In case you think gritty alt-realities like Death Metal, Marvel Zombies, DCeased etc, are a current phenomenon: welcome to the mid 90s and Ruins!

I’m...86% sure that’s Jean on the left of this cover, but if it isn’t, I rescind this cover from this account!

4 32

Hi there! I have a few comics under my belt, including two upcoming graphic novels and three independent series. Here are some examples. More at https://t.co/OfPJeduqMD. Feel free to contact me at mcapriglione3995.com.

0 3

A beautifully complete and pristine specimen of Ornithomimus (TMP 1995.110.1) preserving feather impressions and everything to lift your spirit on this grim

62 226