A friend on FB shared one of these so I've been working on it in my free time. Hair is semi-current. No clue on the source of the meme though, so if anyone knows and tells me that'd be ace!

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My what teeth you have boi! And so much slobber... If I've learned anything about ADIN over the last couple weeks is they are messy!

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I'm jealous of ADIN today. They get to sleep in but I have this massive headache that won't bugger off. Enjoy your beauty rest boi.

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ADIN WHAT THE FFFF!!! Ok... we can fix this. Not part of the emote set but I wanted a break and this was a fun idea.

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ADIN woke up to a whole bunch of from all over the place and boi has been glowing since! Just look at that

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Oh no, boi! Don't look into the... *sigh* well, that was a choice. Get well soon ADIN, I'm going to go update your self-preservation module just a tick.

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So I found this tool that makes drawing a circle much more manageable. I think ADIN is doing their best not to mock me. Cheers boi.

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I'm still a little under the weather thanks to my own bad life choices. But ADIN wanted you to know they love you folks! 🖤

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Oh, boi, you aren't looking so good. In the wake of all the alerts, I totally get it. Wait, you're a digital construct! You can't get Too bad for you it's a virus.

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I swear ADIN, if you ask one more time I'll be running ADIN.delete()! *sigh* I'm sorry boi, it's been a day. Maybe scribbling some color will make the bugger off.

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Tonight’s fabulous queer artist feature is
Head over to the blog to learn more about the artist!

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2020 Goals: Learn procreate, improve my artwork in general, post artwork regularly, and start making money off art again!

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That Elevator Selfie • alcohol markers, inktense colouring pencils, fineliners 🎨💜😊

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