Retired commercial artist trying out Twitter (why? who knows). I want to spend the rest of my days painting fairies and fantasies. Thanks for this - almost reached 500 f's.

0 6

Thanks for the share. Fairly new around here. Retired graphic artist, looking to paint fairies and fantasies for the rest of my days. My green stuff in oils and acrylics.

4 19

Der Scanner zickt immer noch.
Dann eben Ein Foto von der Akelei-Fee.

Pssst... eine Rosenfee flattert hier auch schon herum.
Welche Blume soll es noch sein?

0 12

Sohn: Schau mal, die Akeleiblüten sehen aus wie Feenhütchen!
Wo er recht hat - habe die Steilvorlage direkt umgesetzt.
Die ganze Fee gibt’s morgen.

0 13

Next Piece of the Idol AU

And for those who may be interested in learning a bit more, I have a link in my Bio containing the Notes I have for the AU. Bear in mind that it is Subject to updates!

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Aesop's Fables - Classic Art and Illustrations - 40-Trading Cards Set – NEW! Available Now to Order Here: via

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