New Release!

Princess, Queen, Empress... The woman who challenged a King for the English throne

The story of Matilda, Lady of the English, begins

Child of Water
£1.99 or

101 77

As the Tower casts a dark shadow over England, Anne Boleyn enters a fragile time

The King is unpredictable. Allies are becoming enemies. The end is nigh...

Judge the Best
$2.99 or

40 10

Yummy The girl on the graphic reminds me of my redheaded heroine in
The Runaway Girl
A love story

Up for pre-order


1 1

Autumn 1066
The Battle of Hastings is over...

The struggle for England begins

The Forest and the Flames
£1.99 or

Now available in

40 21

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."


1 1

As one man courts Elizabeth others seek to destroy her...

The Spider's Web
£1.99 or

23 15

New Release!

Princess, Queen, Empress... The woman who challenged a King for the English throne

The story of Matilda, Lady of the English, begins

Child of Water
$2.99 or

170 100

Elizabeth has too many cousins for comfort...

Strands of My Winding Cloth
£1.99 or

94 58

As one man courts Elizabeth others seek to destroy her...

The Spider's Web
£1.99 or

62 31

The past will not surrender its grasp on Queen Catherine Howard...

No More Time to Dance
$2.99 or

52 31

Daughter of the nobility, cousin to a fallen queen, child of fate, Catherine Howard survives a dangerous childhood, forging a path to the Court...

Shadow of Persephone
£1.99 or

75 45

Historia giveaway: Win one of 10 copies of Hitler's Secret by Rory Clements!
You've got up to four chances to win a copy of this fast and twisty thriller

1 0

A fascinating peek into the life and times of the real King Arthur by @ FionaRobyn. Perfect for young time travelers and budding archaeologists.

mythology myths legends adventure Arthurian histfic
teen MG ASMSG IAN1 Kindle books ebooks

4 4

For The Lady of the Ravens publication day, author writes about Joan Vaux, the unconventional Tudor woman who inspired her novel

3 3

Part 2 Live with photos!

Why does a man of God meet with the most infamous man in Jerusalem? He can arrange his death... 

7 4

New in talks about writing historical fiction, dual timelines, and interpreting fact when writing fiction. She has advice for new writers, too

17 18

Part 2 Live with photographs!
Why would a man of God meet with the most infamous man in Jerusalem who can arrange his death? 

178 75

Like a bird gliding high in the air, a face is moving across the sky. It’s a young woman’s face, and it’s upside down.

7 5

The BLACK KITTEN gang with their corresponding pride flags! 🌈✨
Read about their LGBTQ+ adventures in love & self-discovery within 1920s New York at

2 10