こちらの既刊も頒布します!IoTに関する本です📔 1日目(12/29) 西み 20b にお立ち寄りください!

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今年も残す所わずかとなりました('▽') 新しい革靴でいつも思うこと。IoTやら人工知能やらの昨今 ちょっと横から失礼しますね('Ω') なんだよ靴ズレって!めっちゃ痛い;;いい加減まじ早く克服しろよ人類;てゆうか傘!お前もな江戸時代から一緒! 人工知能いいから誰かバリア作って;

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Another wonderful toon from IOTLeague toondesk

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Blockchain means big changes for Are you ready? https://t.co/ZecEkmxqrq

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The IoT is coming, with devices projected to grow 400% in the next five years. https://t.co/yJ00siS7ob

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Real-World Application of the Internet of Things https://t.co/3G7IHecvVY

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How AI Will Serve Us in the Workplace | https://t.co/luOKtf0bmD

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25 weirdest things in the ‘Internet of Things’ https://t.co/2zWGBGe8ue

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We've been approaching the internet of things all wrong https://t.co/CuNCKyYryp

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Surge in real-time & is changing corporate thinking - https://t.co/w6PwbB4pao

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4 Remarkable Ways the Internet Has Transformed the World https://t.co/VHfr7720la

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A Robotic Home That Knows When You’re Hungover https://t.co/z6sQAornss

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