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Yep, the market's forces are equally mysterious as they are ruthless!

(pinned in

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day by day... and night byyy night......
i feel you in my mind....... iot happens all da timemee,.......
yk my daydreams stop my heart beaatsxs onnnnnn
i cant ntake it anymroe.... its you i live fooorrr.r...

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Fantasy lights and magic mountains
It is not so much of mountains; it is their magic!
Acrylic fluorescent colours on canvas under unique light installations.
IoT Art

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The US Department of Commerce's technical standards organization NIST has nominated the Ascon group of cryptographic algorithms for protecting small devices and information transmitted to and from IoT devices. https://t.co/oxKnL0BVgR

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"A Story of War and Perseverance"
Digital art using ai-technology

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『ドラえもん科学ワールドspecial みんなのためのデジタル入門』小学館。2022年11月16日発売。935円。
デジタルって何? IoTで何がつながる? これからの時代、暮らしに無くてはならない存在となるデジタルの基本知識とIT用語を、ドラえもんのまんがとともにわかりやすく解説する。

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