I've heard a lot of talk lately about superb but how does one know if one's is truly Is this a And can a be superb too? Are and owls judged on the same criteria of superbness? Or would it be superbity?

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I thinks it's when I'm expected to answer the question "What did you do for the that I miss Downton Abbey the most.

0 0

Everyone happy with this ana snow owl? I know I am!

3 21

Veritewatch One Cut Comics Ep. 3 ♡ Which team will you support for the OWL? :)

0 1

Pandowl? An suggested by :)

87 397

Owl? Lynx? Bugbear girl? Whatever! She's ready to go! Sketchbook: https://t.co/lvDO0d4GUc

1 3

A fellow Night Owl--Or Knife Owl? :D 🥃🦉🔪

12 15

How does a cyclops scowl? Two eyes are better.

0 17

sticker might become a thing. I just need some1 2 help me with a cut-contour. Who can help so he gets his letter to Prowl?

14 34

What's more motivating than a Great Horned Owl? This little fella will keep anyone motivated! https://t.co/6zdM5on97A

2 4

Which team will win the Super Bowl?

875 1697

Are you a night owl? An owl stays awake when the rest of the world sleeps. What does he see that the rest of the world is missing?

2 6

I have my swords, thought Jon Snow, and we are coming for you, Bastard.

41 62

Super Bowl?🏈
More like Super Owl 😂♥

38 300

Can we just say that is one Cause she is! (Get it?)

24 123

What's better than one cat bowl? Two cat bowls, duh. Our first bowl set is up at at http://t.co/lXD2rtlul7

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