with some ✂️🥓

5 73

La Squadra is on their way! Was Formaggios dream real or not, and what has Clara to do with it?🔥

20 156

some important highlights here:

- kakyoin 🥺
- risopro
- trish!! is her hair longer than usual?
- pol with flowers
- Sexy biker lisa lisa please i am so h

60 199

Congratulations Team tonight on your grand opening after years and months of hard work! The venue looks absolutely incredible. We look forward to many more special times in this amazing space. Good luck for the launch weekend 🚀

5 15

I know it's not an original idea (I've seen it in other fandoms) but in my defense I wanted to make a RisoPro version 🖤💛😅

1 5

Well, here it is...the last day of the RisoPro week.
It's a little bittersweet
It was my first theme week so to say goodbye to it I made my first NSFW drawing and this one is dedicated to a very dear friend of mine

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(3rd image is a fake screenshot variant!)
Do you ever read a fanfic so damn good you basically cry? GO READ WARMNESS ON THE SOUL BY MILKTEAS ON AO3 NOW. It's basically modern AU risopro and it is absolutely beautiful.
Also consider this an early day 7 for LMFAOOOO

14 52

I was too ambitious for Day 5 and ran out of the time and this is the final result 💔🤣 the last picture will be in the commentary section

1 11

This is the latest one I did with you included :_) soproudofit

3 107

The story is: They've to kill a rival gangster so Melone came up with the idea that they should infiltrate as airline workers and Prosciutto had to be the flight attendant In the end they dismissed the idea

1 5

My silly humor but in my defense this looked funny at my mind 😂#risoproweek

2 12

Just putting here the first day of

The next ones will be posted complete only here.

3 19

I was so focused on finishing day three that I didn't realize it was about time to start with RisoPro week 😅🖤💛

1 11

My upcoming project with
Dan yang paling Fresh adalah..
Duet Maut
Cerita : Aswin Mc Siregar & Rama Reksoprodjo
Naskah: Rama Rekso prodjo
Gambar : Garrie Gastonny
Warna : Iwan Joko Triyono

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