HeartGold/SoulSilver! 💛⚪️

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technically black was my first pokemon game but soulsilver is my favorite of the original DS generation on which i grew up

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29. Pikmin 3
Pokemon SoulSilver
Super Mario 64
Ghost Trick

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Chapter 2 of my nuzlocke ended so I openned the QnA and did a quick drawing for the occasion

Yesss great background characters right ???

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I’m playing SoulSilver, right? Well, there’s this miltank that is stubborn as all hell. Gone through almost my entire stash of balls

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List of Pokemon designs created by . They have created many more, but currently unmentioned Pokemon, Saya Tsuruta joined GameFreak starting with HeartGold/SoulSilver. They are also a TCG illustrator, starting with Lotad from the DP Secret Wonders Set

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My lovely SoulSilver team!
Pincushion the Typh, Slosher the Quagsire, Ammy the Bellossom, Stabee the shiny Beedrill, Zaps the Jolteon, and Husbando the Lugia!

I put WAY more effort into the background here than I normally do, it just felt right

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RT if you think Pokémon Heartgold and Soulsilver’s Pokéathlon was the BEST mini game feature!! It was a lot more entertaining than contests and making Pokémovies imo

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The faces of those two who gave me a REALLY hard time in Pokémon Heartgold & Soulsilver, ESPECIALLY Whitney.

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Hey, so I’m back with the man, the myth, the legend... Will! 🦹
Also a Teruya sketch :}
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1. alakazam !
2. bulbasaur is such a strong tie with chikorita ... but playing thru soulsilver recently ive regrown attached to chikorita 😔but still i consider it a tie

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2. Favourite Starter

Honestly completely torn between these funky little fellas. Platinum and SoulSilver were my first pokemon games so I have a lot of affection for them and their lines. They're just both peak character design. So funky!!!

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3. SoulSilver
4. I don't really play spin-offs but I liked Ranger
5. Zacian and zamazenta are real and my friends
6. Dragapult is really cute

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Official art of the HM Rock Smash. The Sinnoh based games removed the ability to find wild Pokemon through Rock Smash. However, HeartGold and SoulSilver and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire brought the feature back as they were in the original Gen 2 and 3 titles.

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I never played the original gen 2 Pokemon games until last year, but I've always had a special attachment to these guys thanks to Colosseum, HeartGold/SoulSilver, and Smash. I like how most of this generation's Pokemon have sort of a muted, pastel color palette.

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I forgot Furret could learn surf...

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