Unikitty: Teeheehee, you three sure have a lot of fun with your cutie mark crusaders group!

Applebloom: Not as much as we’re havin’ fun with you, Unikitty! Which got us thinkin’...

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Unikitty: I have no idea what that means, but okay! *she dangles him over Lachlan, who was begging for him* Here boy, here! C’mon, c’mon boy!

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Unikitty: Don’t you get worried about the yucky gastric acid, though?

Angel: You mean the hot tub?

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Lachlan: *swallows gently*

Unikitty: Wheeeeeeee!! It’s like a water slide! *puts her paws up* Weeeeheheheeeee!

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Unikitty: *flies to Lachlan* Open up the tunnel, puppy! Here comes the kitty train! Choo-Choo!!

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Twilight: How was that?

Unikitty: It was actually fun! *thinking about Angel Bunny*

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Flim: No problem, champion!

Flam: For Unikitty, here’s a cake trophy as a consolation prize!

Unikitty: Aw, thanks!

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Twilight: *trying to catch her breath*

Unikitty: Maybe this will help. *she starts gently rubbing where she was poking*

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Flim: Wow! What a finisher!

Flam: And with that! Sweetie Belle remains our champion, two years in a row!

Unikitty: *being a good sport* Congratulations, Sweetie Belle!

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Unikitty: Aw, you’re welcome Applebloom, I do enjoy being a big sister.

Applebloom: Big sister? Do you have any brothers or sisters back home?

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Unikitty: Technically I'm made of Lego bricks, Lachlan, I only have fur in your fanarts of me.

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Applebloom: It’s okay, our new friend Unikitty is lookin’ after her, I reckon she’s got her under control!


Unikitty: You don’t want num-nums?

Flurry Heart: *she shakes her head “no”, but she kept rubbing her tummy for some reason*

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Sweetie Belle: Hehe, hi everypony!

Unikitty: Oh, do they know you three?

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Unikitty: *chuckles at the crusaders’ enthusiasm, noticing that they get excited for big adventures just like she does*

*they still had 12 minutes before they reach the Crystal Empire and the crusaders were already getting bored*

Applebloom: Hey, Unikitty?

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*they hurriedly make their way back to the train station and wait for the next train to the Crystal Empire

Unikitty: *still a little bit frustrated*

Applebloom: (Is she mad at us?)

Scootaloo: *whispers* Should I tell her?

Sweetie Belle: *whispers* Surprise her on the train.

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Unikitty: *her rage fire fizzles out and she returned to her normal pink self* ...Mean old bird...

Scootaloo: Yeah... *tugs on Unikitty’s arm* L-Let’s get out of here before the other griffons start showing up!

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Pony Life Pinkie Pie: Sure! I’d be happy to serve up some of my crazy dishes for you!

Pony Life Applejack: Wait, where’d Unikitty and our Lachlan go?

Unikitty: *she walks out of the pantry looking full* Ohhh... *burp!*

*Everypony gasps assuming the worst has happened*

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Discord: Uhh... gotta go...! *he snaps his fingers and teleports away leaving the girls behind*

Sweetie Belle: Gilda!

Applebloom: Thank goodness it’s the real you!

Unikitty: *not paying attention, having trouble controlling her rage*

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Gilda: Glad you trust me... Princess.

Unikitty: (How does she know I’m a Princess? ...unless...!!)

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