Oddish , Gloom , Vileplume ( From my 2017 Gen 1 doodle challenge! )

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Today's cuties are Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume!

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day 8 - Odette

or as she eventually became known during the run, The Crit Queen.

(also vileplume can totally learn leaf blade you guys. totally.)

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My third favourite pokemon. Has a more Mario Strikers-y style this time around.

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Vileplume 🌼💜

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Heres the Oddish evolution line I drew for the Pokemon Pokedex challenge.

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The Dynamic Duo of Vileplume and Slurpuff from the OmegaRuby Run

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My daily Pokemon for today, Vileplume.

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My girlfriend won me this carnival prize please say hello to my new daughter treat her kindly -

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¿Qué Evolución de Gloom te gusta más?

🔁 Bellossom
❤ Vileplume

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Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, & I added Bellossom to complete the evolution

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AND OF COURSE,,, ESCAPE (rip),,, i'm gonna hold off on spoiling that plot bc i wanna keep the option to reboot it someday [the pokemon are: dragon-type ariados, electric-type ekans, grass/ghost shiny arcanine & ghost/ground vileplume]

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I forgot to add the sprite inspiration for today's Vileplume, but it's the Diamond and Pearl one that looks angry. I turned that frown upside-down here :'D

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