I bet AFO was most upset about losing his hair in the battle with All Might 'cause that shit was LUSCIOUS

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3 15

HC: AFO has a calming quirk of sorts that he's saved for special occasions, such as inviting your son into your arms for the first time in years ;)

8 36

Okay no more bad feelings only AFO and Tomura

1 10

Your favorite ship is afo x ofa😌

20 42

Your favorite ship is John-Chan x afo😌

7 28

Your favorite ship is afo x doctor ujiko 😌

3 23

have some of afo and maka bc i cant think of anything else

7 14

I have to contribute AFO I can't help it

All for One: Contrabass Clarinet

• intimidating, powerful, kinda weird looking
• uHM,, BIG
• ridiculous amount of attitude
• other woodwinds love him. everyone else? terrified.

1 11

宝塚AllforOne(AFO)ベルナルド+ロベール&クロードとおまけ(2017.09) 主人公らと敵対する枢機卿直轄の護衛隊隊長+隊員。美形しかいない。ベルナルドは野心・実力・権力の三拍子揃ってるのにダルタニアンの主人公パワーに敵わないところが愛おしいし、それに付き従う隊員もかわいい。

16 43

宝塚歌劇月組公演 ダルタニアンと太陽王 AllforOne(AFO)よりダルタニアンと三銃士+モンパンシェ侯爵夫人(2017.09) 友人に連れられ予備知識一切なしで初めて見て、エンタメとしてのあまりに完成度の高さに度肝を抜かれた。劇場がもっと近くて、私が自分でチケット取れたら破産しかねなかった

12 35

Deku finna have to kill shigiraki EOS.
•He’s no longer human
•soon to be evil emperor
•future ruler of japan
•Even heroes kill (hawks)
•AM “killed” afo (panels exists find them)
•It won’t be for revenge but the greater good
•Top 5 Villian sitting in a cell trash af https://t.co/hdvQc6NqXJ

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AFO's tiny tiny boys 🥺
Who's your favourite?

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3 26

[AFO expressions pratice]
Blue eyes like his softest melancholy look,
violet ones while he grins amused at you,
Yellow eyes judging your feeble fate,
be aware around him and remember to behave.
Tone as green as toxic his nature can be,
red eyes as the last thing you'll ever see.

10 32