Day 2 of "Dither"

I'm not sure if any of these are technically dithering, but they were a lot of fun to make.

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Day 2: Dithering
Only 25% of the pixels were used. Each pixel was replaced with a line. The gray scale of each pixel determines the length, thickness and angle (rad [0-pi[) of each line.

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day 2 - Dithering
I'll be largely offline for the next 4 days so last one until next weekend :)

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Dusted off some old code to make 10,000 (er, 2,500 x 4) polygons. Reminds me of one of my favorite art projects from elementary school!

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Day 1: Draw 10,000 of something

100 rings 100 times repeatedly drawn and systematically moved away from their origins. With each rep, the rings get smaller, resulting in 100 spikes. 🌵
Made with R :)

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Another variation of the 10000 continuous bezier curves

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"Draw 10,000 of something."
I draw 10,000 random polygons.

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genuary day 1; draw 10,000 of something

10,001 lines. i don't love it, but it's a start! excited to do 30 of these.

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NFT cleaning: my first mint goes from 6/10 to 1/5, 10 for this only one available !

It is an image created for 26th day was "2D Perspective"

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I'm cleaning my creations:

"Genuary2021-01" goes from 7/10 editions to 2/5, and still 5 each !

It was created during with prompt "TRIPLE NESTED LOOP"

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TITLE: Genuary2021-26-2 DESCRIPTION: This generative artwork was inspired by the Genuary 2021 challenge, 26th day was "2D Perspective".

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Bonus: To celebrate 10k objkt on , I add 20 free editions of my first video on the platform ( 9th)

by the way, objkt is mine ;)

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