💫if i close my eyes , i'll remember the times that we were together ... 💫

i'm bad drawing animals , i'm sorry 🥺

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thank you for this beautiful song, thank you for everything 💜#ThisNightByJin

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if i close my eyes, i think i will remember our times together 🌙

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"if i close my eyes, it feels like the time of us together will come to my mind"

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For the most beautiful soul and his most beautiful song 💕

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너무 따뜻한 우리 석진이 때문에 눈물이 나는 거예요..

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【新タイトル 取り扱い開始!】

●Smash Hit / PinOut 2xLP Vinyl Soundtracks
効果音や音楽と波長を合わせながら、立ち塞がるモノ全てを粉砕するゲーム『Smash Hit (スマッシュヒット)』のアナログレコードサウンドトラックの取り扱いを開始!


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Mia Bike 01

G2F custom character. Rendered in Octane.

Clothes, boots and hair made in Blender/Substance Painter.

Bike by ForbiddenWhispers. Shades by Torinouta available

3 17

Youpi un nouveau dessin, d'après le challenge de Emmalupine sur insta ! Les persos qu'elle a dessiné sont un peu trop choupinoutes pour pas que je le fasse XD !

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今までで一番、時間かかった( >д<)💦


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【新人】 48位 星乃歌カズ Channel Hoshinouta KazVEEMusic [ 順位をツイ-ト ] 695 人+0 9,297 回 べいすぅ!VEEMusic所属の星乃歌カズです。歌や...:     48位 星乃歌カズ Channel Hoshinouta Kaz   VEEMusic [ 順位をツイ-ト]  695 人  +0 9,297 回… https://t.co/ajql6ccQ88

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