Lizard-lions live in the deep swamps of Westeros

They are formidable predators that resemble partially submerged logs floating in water and have teeth like daggers

The sigil of House Reed depicts a lizard-lion

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Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;

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Oval frog (Engystoma ovale) and Green toad (Bufo viridis) illustrated by Charles Dessalines D' Orbigny in the 1892 edition of Dictionnaire Universel D'histoire Naturelle.

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Vodyanoy is part old man, part frog. He has red eyes, fish scales and tail and is covered in algae. He travels the river by log. He is known to drown people and damage dams. It’s important to make sacrifices to him if you’re near water. 1/2

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In it is believed that lakes and ponds are inhabited by guardian kami (gods). These kami vary but often take the form of dragons, catfish, giant snakes or eels. There are stories of these water gods interacting positively with humans, such as...


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"A Baba Yaga never breaks a promise. Legs, yes. Hearts, occasionally. But never a promise."

💀 Deborah Blake 🐍 Wickedly Magical 💀

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Sometimes considered to be a subspecies of the Hermitaur, Ceanataur are small fast-moving carapaceons that can be found living in swamps and volcanic regions. They particularly love living in caves.

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Platypole are blood leeching parasites. Once they drink enough, they metamorph into Bunyung. Bunyung are hunters, roaming the bushland and swamps.

This Zokai is based on the bunyip of Australian mythology!

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Swamps of Shantyland by Anton Kurbatov via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes

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Hydra -a serpentine water monster in Greek 
and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid

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Today is the 700th anniversary of Dante's death - from malaria contracted crossing the Venetian swamps - as far as I can tell sadly unmarked in the UK press, despite the very long and enthusiastic reception of Dante in these islands - from Chaucer to Robin Robertson.

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You think Cass has what it takes to step up to the Baroness of the Bayou? Do you think she has the skills to survive an encounter with the Sultana of the Swamps?

Will Cass make it out of the ring, or like so many cadavers in the muck, get stuck in the deep downs of Louisiana?

4 14

Day 13 - Viridian. A silent hunter in the swamps.

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"The world is like a little marsh filled with mint and white hawthorn." 🖤 Mary MacLane

(I love that quote, full of Magic 😸✨)

🎨 Witch and the fox by Morgane Velten 🍃

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and here is the will o the wisp again. Foxfire, fairy lights, jack o lantern. Only marsh gas...or it it? Liable to be encountered in boggy oak woodland, once common, rarely seen anymore. Why not? Is it simply down to increased irrigation?

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Swamps and bogs are places of transition and wild growth, breeding grounds, experimental labs where organisms and ideas have the luxury of being out of the spotlight, where the imagination can mutate and mate, send tendrils into and out of the water.

Barbara Hurd

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Marshes and swamps have a lot of tall grass that sway this way and that~

| |

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The surface of Venus is obscured from telescopes by thick swirling clouds which led some writers to suggest that the planets surface was covered in lush tropical swamps, thick forests, and perhaps even inhabited by

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My memory about Populous is old and not certain, but I remember that swamps and knights were strong.
In the Island Campaign, there are two participating countries, but we dare to make it four.

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Hydrocheirus terribilis - Terrible water hand

Known for living in swamps and marshes, this large piscivore has large claws on its hands and feet, they use these massive clawed gauntlets to scrape and scratch away at mud to reveal hidden fish, which they then cut open and eat.

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