The addition of Alolan formes gave old and forgotten Pokémon a second chance in the Monotype metagame thanks to their new typings, abilities, and stat spreads. Give these sets a try!


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“Hardcore Gamer”

Know anybody like this? Share your tales in comments.

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Stasis [ULTRA] purified clr!!
✧ \\ ٩(๑ᕦڡᕤ๑)و // ✧

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What are Pet Mods? And how do they differ from Other Metagames (such as STABmons and Balanced Hackmons)? This article explains it and goes over some of the Pet Mods:

art by DatHeatmor

5 19

The effect that Normal-types have made on the ZU metagame is anything but normal! Try out some of these sets in our unofficial, lowest usage-based tier:

Art by

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Fast Striker mini unboxing - part 1 - outside box

10 48

Ach ja... wird noch mal mit Facecam...
Erste Aufnahme war eigentlich im Kasten, aber... Na ja... war wieder zu präsent 😅🙄

2 10

Nothing Is Safe — A Look at the Standard Metagame for Harrogate Regionals / Read about it @

1 5

A holo moth I turned into stickers! And made insta-worthy pictures of it. And it took me only a month to finally post it on twitter. 🐸✨🦋

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The JoJo metagame

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