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Battle Chasers - Gully

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Author Q&A: asked fascinating questions about how and why I write magical Scottish stories https://t.co/aCC58DAgHQ

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I ask my characters lots of difficult questions (eg how will you defeat THAT monster?) so they asked me awkward questions in return: https://t.co/31pFMNe0JF

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Got inspired by 's Red Monika piece and sketched up some Calibretto.

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4.【カヤ/MIND CHASER】トラブルメーカー兼ムードメーカー。強い相手に対してオラワクワクすっぞ的な意味で戦闘が大好き。アナゼア兄弟(ルーとルイ)とは幼少期からの付き合いで幼馴染。ルイと同じくと戦力強化実験の初期からの被験者であり、アナゼア兄弟と同じくとある事件で生き残った内の一人。

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New Kasaka Fan-Art by Artist Kasaka on the Field Ruins Level fighting a crowd of rockys & balorlops! Very detailed :) 👍🏾

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A cute final fantasy 14 character that I drew for a customer a while ago. This was his online chatacter in the game and she was quite pretty :)

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Any fans out there? My hero, Nick Miller.

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【MIND CHASER】 - 『心さえなければ、俺は怪物になれたのに――それは、心を持つ怪物の、心からの叫びでした』 少年主人公×少年ヒロインのコンビを中心とした、仲間達と紡いでいく心と魔法のコンビクエスト系ファンタジー! へびれが終わるまでは諸々お休み中です

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Rae Starchaser, Warlock of the Old Gods- a commission from Hyrule, in an old Fire Emblem sprite style

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I tried to photograph the moon in the trossachs with but the photograph didn’t do the stunning scenery justice. moonchasers

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This is a follow-up piece to this episode right here: https://t.co/F79Lsnvj1f
The Phasers and Lasers club has gone slightly bigger & if you stare at it long enough, you can hear the sounds of children arguing with one another.

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Character Profiles S2 - Leslie Monahan
And here's the last new profile for the year! The alien chaser, Leslie! Wait, what kind of belt is that?!

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Santa by Muriel Christensen - Canvas oil painting and sketchbook study. Artist statment: https://t.co/VxEO9K6wvT

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Phi Chasers in action: Janida stops the demon with her chakram and Janmani captures its soul in her doll and transport it back to its realm.

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I got a question.
Since you know a lot about influences, and how Garrison in Battle Chasers is a big reference to Gara from Bastard, down to his opening sword...

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You asked, we answered in this weeks ep of Gale: The Calm. Hang tight w/ us here on SM as we break from WEBTOON to develop Ch.2 Stormchaser! https://t.co/lLPusMioqB

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萬籟俱焚 · 「The Pit」 | WIRT'S∀M https://t.co/qYzibnCch0
HMS Chaser

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a thistle-chaser

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