
ドラフトブースター[日/英] ¥12,000
セットブースター[日/英] ¥15,000
コレクターブースター[日/英] ¥26,400
統率者デッキ 5種セット [日/英] ¥22,000円


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Paula Modersohn-Becker, (Alemania 1876-1907) “Autorretrato en el sexto aniversario de boda” (1906, temple sobre cartón)

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安藤忠雄さんの超⼤型限定写真集ANDO'S HANDS Tadao Ando Works 1976-2020が蔦屋書店で限定発売決定です。
ちなみにLIMITED EDITIONは495万円です。
僕はCasa BRUTUS 770円にサインを頂く。

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Born in 1676: (1676-1730), Electress of Bavaria as spouse of daughter of Polish King

Portrait by an Unknown Artist, ca. 1690s

Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie

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安藤忠雄 超⼤型写真集「ANDO'S HANDS Tadao Ando Works 1976-2020」発売
「LIMITED EXCLUSIVE EDITION」は安藤直筆のドローイング17点を追加し495万円、限定10部

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Stonehenge at Sunset (1836) by John Constable (England, 1776-1837).

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Julio González (1876-1942)
Personnage abstrait
Executed on 14 May 1937

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Star Darlings A Wisher's Guide to Starland – a 176-page book guide to Starland, the Starlings and the incredible, sparkling, positive-energy-powered world they live in - Available Now to Order: https://t.co/l5xDOkgM4Y -

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Maurice de Vlaminck
Grande neige

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Happy Lupercalia / Valentine’s Day / Horny Werewolf Day! You don’t have to be a fan of romance to sink your claws into WEREWOLVES VERSUS: ROMANCE, our 176-page PDF of thematically relevant of fiction, comics, and art.

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Edmund Adler (Edmund Adler; 1876-1965), Austria.

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祇園白川の白梅も咲き初めました。こちらは、岡山出身の洋画家 寺松国太郎(1876-1943)の「梅花美人図」です。大正14年作の二曲一隻屏風です。

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Beep beep. It's the birthday of pioneering German painter Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907). Died at 31 from deep vein thrombosis after giving birth to her daughter. Painted the first nude female self-portrait. Did interesting things at a time when art was between certainties.

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