みんなで思い出とか何でもいいからつぶやこう!!私はイラストのapapicoさんも 曲のeasypopさんも本当好きな人達でそんな好きな人達から生まれたきららは最高に好きなヒーローです!

44 495

きららちゃんを生み出してくださったapapico様にも、イメソンを制作してくださったEasy Pop様にも感謝、感謝です…!!これからもずっときららちゃん大好きだよ😭😭😭😭😇😇😇💕💕💕

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˹ 楽しいお祭りひまわり甚平 ˼

0 8

100 Days Of Soap - 55/100.
Alongside Seth, they were the bookends of the Woolpack bar... Betty Eagleton... (

1 0

˹ 少女のローズワンピ ˼


0 7

100 Days Of Soap - 48/100
Daughter of Kerry and granddaughter of Harold, the hippy activist who won all the hearts of the Erinsborough boys... and even one girl... Sky Mangel... (

1 0

˹ ウェディングベールレース ˼

0 6

100 Days Of Soap - 44/100.
Son of Chas and one half of the now defunct but internet-wide adored Aaron Dingle... (

1 0

100 Days Of Soap - 43/100.
The mother in law from hell but bloody well hilarious... Blanche Hunt... (

1 0

'Windows' 'Muse' by Joseph Capicotto

16 35

100 Days Of Soap - 37/100.
Possibly the most scheming and crafty of the Dingle ladies in her early days, now one of the best loved characters and one half of Charity Dingle... (

1 5

100 Days Of Soap - 36/100.
The wild child of the two Mitchell sisters, played by Rita Simons... Roxy Mitchell...(

1 0

100 Days Of Soap - 34/100.
The Dingle hard-man who has the blue steel look well and truly nailed... Cain Dingle... (

1 0

˹ 深海幻想オーバースカート ˼

0 8