//=time() ?>
Hey #Fans,
Pendant que le monde entier s'empresse d'acheter #PapiCommando #SecondBlood édité par @Broke_Studio ( jetez vous dessus !! ), j'ai bien avancé sur la traduction Anglaise de #LaCitadelleDuChaos de @stevejacksonuk !
#Megadrive #Sega #Omebrou #Retrogaming
Hey Fans,
Some exciting news here !!
- Soon, we shared the Official #Trailer of #PapiCommando #SecondBlood, probably the end of the week with the #preordered in @Broke_Studio SHOP !!
- I work for the English version of #TheCitadelofChaos" !
Stay tuned ! 😊🥳
#Megadrive #Genesis
Hey #Fans,
Coming #soon for your #Sega #Megadrive #Genesis ! 🥳
#PapiCommando #SecondBlood the last #game by @StudioVetea published by @Broke_Studio ! 😎
#Retrogaming #Omebrou #Homebrew #16bits #Arcade
The new #FonziPlusPlus almost done !! 😓😓💪
#PapiCommando #SecondBlood #Megadrive #Gamedev #Omebrou #pixelart #SecondBlood #16bits #Sega #RETROGAMING
Some new #MiniMap #Design ! 🙏🙏
Graphics improvements continue ... 🥰😓☺️
#PapiCommando #SecondBlood #Pixelart #Megadrive #Retrogaming #Omebrou #Gamedev
Hey #Fans,
It's to Mamie for a relooking ! 😎😎😍
Soon in #PapiCommando #SecondBlood !! 🤗
#Megadrive #Gamedev #Omebrou #pixelart #Omebrou #RETROGAMING
Hey #PapiCommando Fans,
Here is the new Summary screen when players clean a #Stage. 😎😎
Stay tuned for #SecondBlood !! 💪💪💪
#Pixelart #Megadrive #Gamedev #Sega #Omebrou #RETROGAMING
The debug phase continues ... 😓
A new game mechanic will be integrated with the #SHOP and the management of #ARJAN 🤑🤑 !
We are at the 5th stage developed. So 50 playable areas for now .. And more to come !
#PapiCommando #SecondBlood #Megadrive #pixelart #Gamedev #Omebrou
Hey Fans !
In few days, time to the .... RGC ( @assoRGC ) !
The biggest Retro convention in France !
You will find our last production : #LaCitadelleduChaos, #PapiCommandoSMS, #PapiCommandoSecondblood and more ...
#Megadrive #Sega #MasterSystem #Omebrou #Retrogaming #Gamedev
New look for #PapiCommando #SecondBlood !
#Pixelart #Gamedev #Omebrou #Sega #Megadrive