"The totally flawless brainiac Build Genius! TOTALLY AWESOME! REALLY AWESOME!"
Source: Twai

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Wanted to try an draw
Femsaid n' FemBrainiac they both cute

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Drawing my fave boy in the style. (Im loving the series btw)
I dont not why but I imagine him being a grumpy nerd.

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OH YEAH I FORGOT I drew this for 's BvS episode. I havent listened to it yet but I read the pitch and it's really good. I imagine the episode itself's a dozy considering its *reads paper* THREE HOURS??

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See not only does the second issue of BATMAN: THE ADVENTURES CONTINUE feature Brainiac but it’s called “Hardware.”

Can’t help but think of

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Here's a brainiac for these celebratory times

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We got Brainiac in live action... And he looked perfect!!! On bloody TV. Wtf!!!!
Blake Ritson was bloody amazing!!!

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Red Panda Brainy and Sleepy Panda Nia <3
(thank you for the suggestions 🥰)

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For a second I thought Brainiac 5 was telepathically telling Chameleon Boy he was a piece of shit for calling Damian Wayne "baby H*tler" in issue 3.

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brainiac 5 nova cosplay

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"No shield can protect you - - againt yourself"
~ The Star Stone Brainy (trying to break Brainiac 5)

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Brainy brought the legion in on his plans to help Brainiac and even though they were originally shocked by it they listened and agreed. The Legionnaires' impression of Brainy though was starkly different from the Superfriends'. Brainy was respected for his deep thought and wisdom

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Even though Brainy is wearing an impenetrable force shield Kara still instinctively protects him with her cape.

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I remembered these as closer than they were but still Ayla echos my joy at seeing Earnest Brainy back again

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Brainiac 5 was far more accurate in Justice League

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