Which then lead to the revelation that Brainy’s invention of time travel and the time bubble and his whole tenure at the time institute were all for supergirl, to know her and maybe probably her life but he wasn’t they type to force her to stay & he couldn’t tell her what he knew

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An early Valentine's Day present 💕 (and my first proper piece of green CW Brainy fanart)! 💚 They both deserve this happiness, and I'll never stop rooting for them.

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for anyone interested in the visuals of how the legion living quarters were laid out. There was a buffer between Brainy's room and everyone elses because he tended to have disastrous explosions in his lab.

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Brainy and the Andromeda version of Supergirl who was The Legion’s Supergirl when Kryptonians were banned & there was a timeline adjustment after Crisis on Infinite Earths. She inherited all of Kara’s powers, backstory & love for Brainiac 5

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Brainy è sempre stato Brainiac-5. Pensi che sia diventato il cattivo Brainiac 1? Questo nuovo look è come appare la versione a fumetti di Brainiac 5. È sempre stato un eroe

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Kara: Brainy, you are good to your core.
You will never be your mother.
Brainy: How could you be sure?
Kara: Because you're loved. And the people that love you will always fight for you.


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Here is my coloring of the Ramona Fradon Kara and Brainy sketch. I am not sure I understand the dots and lines if anyone has comic examples I could use them.


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This really is a joy for my heart!

A brand new Bronze Age Brainy and Supergirl with the clubhouse / headquarters in the background by paulsoeiro over on Instagram.

Go visit and give him a like!

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Brainy/Elphaba needs a Koko/Chistery

(ft art by Hephaise, , George Perez )

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But we already had it on tv... (Trying to think like earnest Brainy)

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Laurel Gand (Andromeda) and Brainiac 5 by The Art of CREL

Laurel Gand took over all of Kara’s Legion backstory (including her romance with Brainy) after Brainy finally let go of his pre crisis memories and the last reminders of Supergirl were erased from continuity.

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Lex finds the parade float featuring the remaining 9 Legionnaires (11 if you count triplicate girl) left to right Matter Eater Lad, Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl, Brainy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Sun Boy, Lightning Lass and Star Boy.

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Both Elphaba and Brainy have a thing for monkeys

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Oh no here is Brainy blabbing all of his and his ancestors secrets to Lex Luthor, his girlfriend's and best friend's greatest foe! (Krypto, Streaky, Beppo and Comet won't be happy either)

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Anyone want to hear the story of the last time Brainy tried to help Lex Luthor?

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A large part of me wants to believe that Winn's speech to brainy was a bit inspired by this sequence... but seeing as they married Winn to Ayla I am losing faith in the research department.

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Brainy 2: Lex Luthor's hair? What's that for?
Brainy 1: Have you ever read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
Brainy 3: Frankenstein? That book is for children
Brainy 2: and incomplete I followed it step-by-step with little success.

(watch out )

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the truth is every single person in the galaxy knew she only dated Rond to get Brainy's attention and they were making a go for the baby because she literally could not keep her hands or her eyes Brainy him for a panel.

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