Hi, this is my cover art work for 【Legion of Super-Heroes】(2023)
Thank you! hope you like!!❤


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Hi guys! Since the CW show has ended, I've decided to expand this account to include more types of and content (mostly comic panels to start with) as a way to remain active on here. So get ready to see some nice art in addition to my usual gifs! ✨

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"Don't do it, Clark.
Please don't do it."

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oh and how about a John Watson homage to that first Suprgirl and Brainiac 5 Kurt Swan image but with 70s Kara and Brainy instead of 80s...

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How about some Kurt Swan Supergirl and Brainy?

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Ok another rest and I will be back with "Earthwar" soon. Bronze age is harder to track down and harder to summarize I assume this will get even more cumbersome when we hit 5YL

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DC Comics Presents 2 (6/13/1978) Brainy looks on bemused as Supeman is having time trouble and ends up in the 30th Century where he finds his younger self. Knowing this shouldn't be possible he figures running full force into his younger self will fix it.

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Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes 237 (12/22/1977) starts with the resignation of Garth and Imra (depriving Brainy of one of his closest confidants) and ends with Brainy helping RJ Brand with the craft that made his first billion, consructing a new star.

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The back of the comic featured Bios for the Legionnaires. Here is Brainy's, Ultra Boy's, Superboy's and Supergirl's bios.

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"But it takes a special kind of will to devote your life to bettering the existance of others -- and in the end, that will must prevail -- and the wanton hunger for personal power must prove a final, fatal flaw!"

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After the wedding Brainy battles the Time Trapper who is revealed to be a controller intent on using the miracle machine to wipe the Legion from history. He is beaten by a legion Care Bears Staring contest over control of the machine.

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In Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes 236 (11/22/1977) We see the first signs Brainy is headed for a burnout as he complains about never getting to take a break and is continually brushed off. Trust me you want to take care of your Brainy.

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In the second story of Superboy 235 Brainy is on trial accused of denying a man access to the "psycho beast" and instead using its powers to save Wildfire. The twist is once saved Wildfire could save the other man, thus saving both instead of one.

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Superboy 235 (10/20/77) tries to make the us believe Briany is up to villiany by brainwashing Superboy into not remembering something but it turns out the thing is a longevity serum that Clark would be too tempted to use on his loved ones changing the timeline

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But Rond understood. He knew to send Rugarth through the same experiment but with more power to keep him trapped in the cycle of time.

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The Legion sets out on different paths to find a way to save Rond and stop the Infinite Man. During this part we see that both Star Boy and Brainy have the same nervous tic of twisting their flight ring. I like to think Jesse Rath was inspired by this panel

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Brainy himself will get a taste of this at the hands... or rather lips of Glorith much much later in another timeline.

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