Chiave introduction:

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Wanted to remake a recent commission for @/machiavellical that i was unhappy with, i hope you all love this new one <3

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Machiavel veut mais pas Dante :((

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Fudo ist ein tougher Typ, der es mit jedem aufnimmt. Jetzt aber muss er sich vor den starken, bewaffneten Mädchen seiner neuen Schule fürchten: "Armed Girl’s Machiavellism" erwartet euch Ende Juli:

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Chiave ฉันเลือกนาย

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here's my first very serious chiave fanart

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🌌天体観測展WEB SHOP

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"Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul." - Niccolò Machiavelli

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I wouldn’t be in Gavin’s shoes...(´皿`;)
What has he done (again)?

Original base is from machiavellical.tumblr

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Machiavellian Mastermind: Galmieux Moriarty

The third one. Sorry for the wait ₍•͟ ͜ • ₎.
I hope it's worth the time. ^^

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Grazie cara Gigliola, buona serata a te e a tutti🙌🍀🌷😘🙋‍♀️

Sapere in tempo chiudere la bocca
è la chiave per il consenso.

Severine Pineaux🎨

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La mia splendida famiglia! In una chiave un po' particolare ☺️ma che coglie l'essenza di tutti noi ☺️. Oggi festeggiamo 🎂 🥂 ❤️ il compleanno della nostra piccola Gaia 😘 🌈🌈🌹💕💕💕💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕💞💞💞💞💞💞

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machiavellian machinations ruined my attempts class President in fifth grade

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“Gesù è ritratto in piedi e con il braccio alzato, nell’atto di convocare a sé tutti gli uomini, per una riflessione in chiave personale”

Il Giudizio Universale di •Michelangelo•


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Il 9 aprile 1933 nasceva a Neully-surSeine (Parigi) il bravissimo attore Jean Paul Belmondo.Nel 1960 ottiene il ruolo da protagonista nel film”Fino all’ultimo respiro”che lo consacra come figura chiave della nouvelle vague,corrente di rivoluzione cinematografica

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🦢💀Murphy & Machiavelli💀🦢
Today's D&D game got cancelled, but my brain is still in RPG Mode SO:
The GM, 's Elf Wizard from a DIFFERENT game.


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