day 66
Bat-Maka for day 3 of inktober

5 20

Firman-Nya, “…Barangsiapa memelihara kehidupan seorang manusia, maka seakan ia telah memelihara kehidupan semua manusia…” Sabda Nabi Muhammad, “Sebaik-baiknya manusia, yang bermanfaat bagi manusia lain.” Namanya Muhammad Revo Septiyan. Ia teladan bagi kita. || 📸

1629 7384

day 65
prompt was "scurry" so rat maka (post this rat)

3 15

Cute and all, but will reap your soul. Probably.
Maka for ~ ♥

3 10

Day 2: Loa outfit

Chia'maka wearing a Krag'wa follower dress Woop!

I havn't drawn Chibis in a long time, this was fun 🌺

11 24

Drawing Soul Eater for the month of Halloween: Day 1– Maka!
It’s uploaded late but the first day is completed^^

8 24

day 64
gargoyle Maka for inktober day 1

9 28

OPEN Group Order [Limited] Hololive/Holostars Yukoku Roberu Birthday Celebration 2022 Goods

*) Apabila yg ikut order banyak maka akan ada penurunan harga

💰DP 50% OK!

1 3