My past arts for Trolltober : Family, Conflict and Timeskip. Sorry, you had to wait so long for an answer :(

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- Timeskip

Ghabula's efforts to cheat the natural growth of his grubs might have unintentionally created Zul'Gurub's very own bootleg G'huun.

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Day 26: Non troll as trolls
I have a Forsaken Rouge named Jacques, so i re-imagine him as a Sand Fury troll ^^ Jak'ees maybe(? xD
Other pics as a Forsaken

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wont beat me!

Day 27: Lazy day

Gotta soak up like a frog day more like lol

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DAY 30: timeskip

to have facial hair he probably drank elixir because he naturally cant grow any

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- Survival (tw: blood)

"Not just survive, but thrive! I say to you- Go! Live in de gutter and hold your head high. For that be Jani's domain."

But sometimes just making it through the night is a feat by itself.

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DAY 27: lazy day

its more fun to do absolutely nothing, if you get to do it together with someone you love

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DAY 26: non-trolls as trolls

Deline the void elf is now a troll 👁️👁️

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DAY 25: ceremonial

boi about to sing for the honor of Bethekk at a ceremony, he is very nervous.

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Wanted to finish this before bed so yeah

Day 22: Devoted

Sometimes Tzua would go to this abandoned shrine of Krag’wa and talk to it, he doesn’t think anyone is listening…

He thinks is better to do it voluntarily than by force… like before…

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this s what i have been up to this entire month hahaha
some Trolltober arts

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Day 20: Rastakhan’s Rumble!

No secret that Tzua supports Krag’wa’s Frogs lol but it gotta be a secret that he’s around Rastakhan’s Rumble lol

made me make a card for my boy, oh noes xD

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Day 19: Leader

Would I be lying in the if I said Tzua is the leader of the frogs? He never was that much of a leader u.u

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Gonna get up to date with

Day 17: Colors

Make your best friend painting uwu

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Day 16: War paint

Reposting this picture of my blood troll for this one since I dont have the energy atm ;u;

Blood count as paint right????

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Day 16: War Paint

The only war paint we allow in for Tzua is when he goes looking for Frog in the swamp >:V

Of course nothing else…

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Late cause I was feeling down but here it is

Day 15: Family

Well, a family can be 3 guys and a frog right?

… Right?

7 22

- Different Path

Revantusk Mem’bi misses out on every meeting and happening, too busy allowing herself to get distracted by all wonders Azeroth has to offer.

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