Gilda: You totally do...

Unikitty: *whispers to the crusaders* Does she always act like this...?

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Gilda: Whatever it is, it seems important, so here’s some friendly advice; give them to Lachlan Dingo for safekeeping.

Unikitty: (Here’s another person saying I should find “Lachlan Dingo”... just who on earth is he?)

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Sweetie Belle: Hey, look up there! *she sees Discord flying somewhere*

Unikitty: Huh?! Where’s Discord going now?

Applebloom: It looks like he’s trying to hide over in Griffonstone!

Scootaloo: *gets all “scootered” up* Well, what are we waiting for? To the train station!

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Lachlan: *laughing* He said “butt”!

Unikitty: *giggling*

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Unikitty: *purring/snoring*

Twilight: Aw, even her snores are cute..

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Lachlan: I got dis. *sloppily licks her face*

Unikitty: AAHH!! KITTY CAT OVERBOARD!! *gasping*

Rainbow Dash: *laughing*

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Applejack: Aww, look at that, our favourite dogs have made a howling group!

Sweetie Belle: They’ve got lovely howling!

Unikitty: That’s my little bro!

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Twilight: I don’t think that-...

Unikitty: My creator?

Twilight: Would you all just listen-?! *getting frustrated that she keeps getting cut off*

Rainbow Dash: My buddy, Lachlan, he created you, in other words, he’s like your dad!

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Unikitty: Oh, well then, it means me and my friends looking like this!

Sweetie Belle: Ohhh, I get it.

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Unikitty: YAY!!

Lachlan: I’m not a chilly dog, I’m as warm as Rainbow Dash’s hugs! Get it? Chilly dog?

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Lachlan: That’s me!

Unikitty: *cuddles him* Oh, I can’t thank you enough for bringing Roger back!

Lachlan: Aw, it’s no big deal-

Unikitty: No big deal?! Your words have brought back Sonic’s most iconic voice actor, that’s a pretty big deal in my book!

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Twilight: Then, what about that time when you kissed Applejack?

Applejack: Oh, that wasn’t real, we just tried to see if he’d get jealous like Discord did with Fluttershy, and turns out he didn’t!

Lachlan: I knew it! Haha! Unikitty owes me 2 bits!

Unikitty: Aw, Poopy-dinkle!

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Lachlan: *surprises Twilight by pulling Unikitty out of the black hole*

Unikitty: Hiiii!!

Twilight: (Wha...?! How did he do that?!)

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Unikitty: Hey WyldStyle, Twilight is a big fan of Batman, do you think you could introduce her to him?

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Twilight: Wait, Unikitty? Did you say “Batman”?

Unikitty: Yep!

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Unikitty: It’s good to *BE* back! Have the others missed me too?

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Unikitty: *giggling* Thanks! My new mom made it for me!

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