sue me im fucking untouchable

18 51

Marian Blue, the Color of Angels, Virgins, and Other Untouchable Things
by Katy Kelleher

Blue is a color with long-standing mystical associations. Blue is not what you call an earth color, blue is elusive, and that is what makes it valuable.

12 26

Boys, the waifu is untouchable.

4 25

New plushies, they come in 2D drawings only and untouchable. If you wanna buy it go to

2 17

I've been cursed with the knowledge of DoomBraum's unholy power, and I've yet to escape it... So long as I stick him with enough other bodies, he's untouchable. Had him deal 10,000 damage one round just by blocking three ADCs.

0 1

Immortal Peak Lord Shen QingQiu was as graceful as he was severe. Unyielding, unbending, and utterly untouchable.

194 425

[dnd] lady charisse doodle. untouchable and deadly 😘

1 5

Oh, this just seals the deal. WotR is quite literally untouchable starting right now.

0 4



6 46

こちらは、2019年8月18日 コーヒーゼリーで手をうとう4 にて開催予定の 斉/木/楠/雄・鳥/束/零/太 中心 プチオンリー『UNtouchables』の告知用アカウントです。


37 73

유현유진 게스트북 <Untouchable Love>에서 사양 변경을 안내드립니다. 본 게스트북은 154p가 아니라 사실... ...166p였습니다! 원고가 154P 실제 책은 도비라와 후기를 포함해 166P입니다. 혼란을 드려 죄송한 마음을 담아 이 트윗을 알티해 주신 분께 커피 기프티콘을 쏩니다!

673 83

Don’t touch his wiener. The Untouchables SNES

2 9

유현유진 28인 게스트북 <Untouchable Love>의 사양을 공개합니다!
선입금 : 본책, 낙서북, 띠부띠부씰 2종
일반(통판) : 본책, 띠부띠부씰 랜덤2종(2권 이상 구매자 분들에겐 선택권을 드립니다)

372 164

모두의 온리에서 첫 발간 예정인 28인의 유현유진 게스트북 <
Untouchable Love>의 안내 페이지입니다. 4월 15일까지 팔로&리트윗 해주신 분들 중 2분을 뽑아 게스트북을 선물로 드릴 예정이니, 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다!

1203 496

silly man the template's been available for the past year or two

i am untouchable

0 5

Here's the Untouchable Queen from the anime, Freezing, Satellizer el Bridget!

I drew this around the time when England were playing in the world cup. Stella is really cool, especially in those glasses. =)

2 11

As cold and untouchable as the stars shining brightly in the night.

1 1


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