It’s my birthday, and my Kickstarter for Dunce 4 just passed 100%!! What a day. Thanks to all you backers and supporters, you’re just amazing.

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Second guest cover for Dunce 4 is here, this insanely awesome thing is by Campaign is at 82%, what a thriller. Support now at

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Here’s another page from Dunce 4, support now on Kickstarter 🎉

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The opening page of Dunce 4, help get this financed on

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Halfway through my 6th read of A Confederacy of Dunces, & this book continues to delight me. It's still fresh, still original, & the dialogue remains, and always will be, absolute rocket fuel.

(Art by Júlia Sardà)

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Another week of Dunce strips is shipped to the editor 💣

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Here’s how I redrew that cover for Dunce 1 (for the upcoming second edition)

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Here’s a more recent Dunce-strip, I’m glad to be back at daily speed/production now 🎉

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Yay, my strip is back in Norwegian newspaper on a daily basis (starting Monday) 🎉

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Avisstriper skal aller helst gå i aviser, det er difor med stor glede eg kan fortelja at Dunce er tilbake i Dagbladet! Det tyder daglege striper, folkens, og det startar allereie på MANDAG! 🎉

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It's a very special* appearance by and myself this Wednesday in London. Witness Dunce Tank at their hilarious best or something.

*routinely businesslike

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With the Dunce brushes that made, no one tells the difference ...

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This pitcher plant's pheromones compel you to pretend to crawl inside it as a joke. "Uh oh. Whoops! I'm accidentally crawling inside its maw—literally the only way this thing could actually eat anything! Uh oh, I've completely inside, what a dunce! Now I'm submerg—"

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Only 40 hours left to support Dunce 3 on Kickstarter!

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Wow. Support Dunce issue 3 now on Kickstarter:

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