CFM plant, anlässlich des letztjährigen 15. Jubiläums von und dem von im nächsten Jahr (der Gute wird heute 14.), die Produktion von je einer lebensgroßen Figur der beiden ältesten und hat dafür heute eine Kampagne gestartet.

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Valentine's Day special! I hope you're spending the day with your favourite person, and if you're not thats okay too! 💖

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I’ll never get over Kylo Ren, my beautiful dark lovesick lost interstellar samurai. Congratulations to Amanda Man who submitted the lovely title A Call to the Light and then disappeared - please contact me for your free print:D

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Missing TLJ Rey
This was my very first drawing of Rey because The Last Jedi really intrigued me with her character. I miss “Just Rey”

51 174

Imagine Hercules spends his life fighting monsters, trying to prove himself, brings his true love back from the dead, and then just dies.

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A wonderful movie idea, isn't it, ? 😊

👇 Sorry, I don't know the artists. 😟

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We had all these👇amazing/funny artworks around the Solo family & Back than these meant joy & fun...
Now... I feel bitter & sad.😔💔
I still can't fathom why did do this to us? How did they forget about children?🥴

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Well you know what to give Rey for Valentines Day!
so he can be with his Valentine for many years to come!

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Hallo 🙂 ich bin - Mama, Möchtegernkünstlerin und ebensolche Wissenschaftlerin.
Ich zeichne am Liebsten, aber nicht nur, mit Kugelschreiber. 😊

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