My poster for "Giù la testa"/ "Duck, You Sucker!" - 1971 by

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these two really remind me of two of my characters so I had to quickly sketch them as a cool down.

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Vanaf 2020 hebben ex-kankerpatiënten het 'recht om vergeten te worden'. Tien jaar na de geslaagde behandeling mag een verzekeraar géén schuldsaldoverzekering meer weigeren en géén hogere premie meer rekenen. Voor sommige kankers geldt een kortere termijn:

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RT/RP It’s Take a look at this panel from Michael Turner’s Soulfire Volume 1 (Featuring art by Michael Turner and colors by Peter Steigerwald!)

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Climbing Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau

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Die Pokefans Draftliga geht in eine neue Runde! Auf euch warten ein verbessertes Regelwerk und eine überarbeitete Tierliste! Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß! Alle Infos: (Fortgeschrittenen-Liga), (Einsteiger-Liga)

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It's Take a look at these panels from SOULFIRE Vol 1 w/art by Michael Turner & colors by Peter Steigerwald! Never read Soulfire? Jump in today with our new SOULFIRE: Volume 1: Return of the Light "THE STARTER EDITION" trade paperback!

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Overdue raffle art... 's Zeiger! 💙

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It’s Check out this Michael Turner print colored and signed by Peter Steigerwald! This is one of the 5 prints that could be in your San Diego Comic Con Exclusive SuperBox! ⠀

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1. (Derbend)
2. Caucasian guards
3. Caucasian children

Images taken from pages 359, 385 and 411 of "Zwischen Donau und Land- und Seefahrten im Bereiche des Schwarzen Meeres" by Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand, Freiherr von, (Wien 1887).

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It’s Check out these and pages of this classic piece of Grace from with art by Michael Turner and colors by Peter Steigerwald! Do you have a favorite Soulfire piece to share? Post it and tag us!⠀

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🔮 Wise Man's Grandchild

►Folge 08 :

Shin und seine Klassenkameraden befinden sich mitten im Training, um ihre Magiekontrolle zu steigern und neue Attacken zu erlernen.

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It’s Check out this to look at the classic Michael Turner piece of Grace from Soulfire with colors by Peter Steigerwald! Do you have Michael Turner work to share? Post it and tag us!

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