commandant teste (kancolle) by tesun (g noh)

0 2

la inteligencia artificial a la tercera pija hyper de caballo que le mandan a hacer:

0 8

Ustedes que aman mis dibujitos nesecito dinero asap. Pago por paypal. Me mandan un DM y hablamos.
Abro comis de emergencia a 5.00USD - listo en 2-5 días

1 3 commandant teste (kancolle) isonami (kancolle) sado (kancolle) by misumi (niku-kyu)

0 3

Si les contesto en el mismo tono que me comentan o mandan mensajes no anden llorando después. Cómo putas me hablan con insultos y se ofenden si les respondo peor??? Qué esperan? un mensajito dandoles amor? No mamen. Also miren a Abraham<3

5 104

Any fans out there? 💻

Friendly reminder that graced us with this Tiberium Wars novel in 2007 ♥️

Officially added to 👇

2 17


WHO doesn't love Liv?
Apparently her family. But everyone else does! I couldn't fit everyone in this picture. So let's have Gray Raven, Nanami, Watanabe, Kamui, Ayla, and of course Commandant celebrate with her!

46 153 akitsu maru (kancolle) commandant teste (kancolle) richelieu (kancolle) by ido (teketeke)

5 7

縫いぐるみが4個。そのうちの2個はCommandant TesteとRichelieuに似たデザイン、左から2番目は夜偵「Loire 130M」の妖精さんに似たデザイン。


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Vingadores: Guerras Secretas, tão longe mais já tô aqui imaginando mil coisas 🤔😱🤯

Vivendo pra ver o Doom mandando e desmandando nesse arco e nem me venha mudar isso viu, senhor Kevinho do Boné!

9 40 akitsu maru (kancolle) commandant teste (kancolle) richelieu (kancolle) by ido (teketeke)

0 1

pessoal q ta mandando dm
tenham paciencia pq do nd vcs resolveram mandar mensagens td de uma vez kk
to pintando daq a pouco faço uma pausa pra responder vcs certin <3
also wip

1 32

It's a nice Saturday morning and I'm feeling quite mellow. So let's see what my Soldiers and possible new recruits would do to the Kommandant~ 💜

10 26

Ive only recently gotten here and already feel allot of warmth and love!!
Appreciate this thread!
Im Commandant MacHoshi, or Hoshi if you'd like.
Plan to debut soon, hope to make lots of friends!
(Bonus points if you're space or military themed or play League!)

2 6

VOLKNET Subroutine AI Uragan vs Gravekeeper Dacite.
Uragan doesn't have idea why he's hoslite towards him. but he must fight against him until Its done...

8 21

Je dois expliquer à que Kei Yûki c'est la fille du "commandant qu'elle aime bien" qui meurt le premier EP de Galaxy Railways

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Dgan mengPO kalian dapat memandang fto ini irl 👍

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VAMBORA, RASCUNHOS DA MAR!! ta lindo dmss, to adorando ver como você ta explorando as expressões dos personagens, ta mandando bem dms

te amo olivier, te amo

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