Been drawing him for a week, and this is the first time I did him in detailed layered hairs lmao

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Which one, I have many
but mostly my oldest OC is Alice, She is an avarage Girl who works for a Friend's Bar in ModernAU
In a Videogame AU she handles terrifying Abnormalitys
also she can't cook but thinks Girls are neat-

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We're done~! My sweet little WangXian family fluff on LWJ's special day :D

Please don't steal, and don't redistribute anywhere else!'s also a gift for my friend because she's awesome (>w<)

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My newest artwork. I kinda played a little with my drawing program and I think it turned out well.
I plan to do all the other Zeldas in the future as well. Maybe the Links and Ganondorfs too.

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Asterin has two moods.

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Modern AU Fischnett!
They are in the Adventure club. It's mainly a roleplay club, but no one joins.

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Movie Night (1/2)


Sometimes, the group organised a movie night at Rick's place. Usually, when one of the twins can't come, none of them show up. But this time Nio decided to come anyway. IT'S BOYS NIGHT IN !

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