-Vivec (third era)
-Molag Bal

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Vivec is really really ridiculously deeply enlightened

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yall can have actual maid dress vivec later i wanna play hitman

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My fav ESO NPCs in no particular order! Razum-dar, my beloved. Eveli Sharp Arrow, Blackwood's fav spitfire. Vivec, nuff said. And Cres, the sweetest lil watcher you'll ever meet. 🖤 Thank you for crafting so many memorable & lovable characters for me to obsess over! 🖤

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Careful boys, Viveca's Cheepy is awfully protective of his conjurer :D

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using the wayback machine to view a decade old "top 25 most androgynous video game characters" list we see that bridget places in at a paltry while lord vivec comes in at a more respectable this is how the discourse used to go

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just got reminded how much of a piece of shit Vivec was

day ruined

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FILM OF THE DAY: Plot heavy 1950 about recovering vet & shady pals is helped by some nice touches & atmosphere, solid cast (including gorgeous & & surprising twist towards end

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I whipped up a quick Heather last night, for 's latest challenge, here on Minds - https://t.co/jCbA72lI9e

Might do one for Viveca too, if I've got time.

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Vivec watching the Nerevarine enter Vivec (city) after clapping Dagoth Ur's cheeks (he is carrying an unfilled Azura's star)

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These Are The Damned (1961) An American tourist, a youth gang leader, and his troubled sister find themselves trapped in a top secret government facility experimenting on children. Macdonald Carey, Shirley Anne Field, Viveca Lindfors & Oliver Reed. (https://t.co/mnpMTMSDG2)

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Everyone’s favorite asshole demigod, Vivec, doodled with pens and ink

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