Radiant Stars was one of my favorite battle pass, and it came with this set of beautiful sprays, I hope that one day they will release the anime sprays of the vora skin, jenos and the new lilith skin

5 49

This was supposted to be for a contest but my deadass forgot about the deadline, skin for vora

13 60

Fue agotador pero valió la pena acabarlo. (*´︶`*)ฅ♡

61 418

Debajo de la Armadura- capitulo 4

Al fin lo terminé!
Ya no puedo esperar para tener el receso de invierno, esto de despertarme a las 5 am y comerme las heladas con riesgo de que una gripe me mate no me gusta mucho

1 14

Midnight warm up: Smol Yago
Suggested by a certain fox fren

10 88

"House Aico shall crumble before any harm befalls you, my scholar, my love" 🌸❤️

63 203

Wanted to just sit on my comfort zone and enjoy drawing bae. I should draw her more often.

16 84

At first it was going to be a drawing of vora and ruby, but along the way I didn't like how things turned out, so it ended up being just vora uwu

28 121

There’s something beautiful about the stars and two boy best friends.

1 4

I have 700 hours in paladins and I still do not know how to play flank 😩

32 257