some various raven-themed doodles from the past three days or so

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Send me terrible shirts. Today we're committing crimes.
(yes this is a real shirt that exists and someone owns)

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FAMILY ALBUM: Raven & Harry (1/2)
Starting off my art year right: a self-indulgent, go-big-or-go-home Dad Raven comic. I love this man and I love my good boy Harry, but I’m not sure whether I love the tones in CSP yet.

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last doodle before sleep... schwann is the best vesperia character 😭

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tfw your ultimate near-instadeath attack is IMMEDIATELY thwarted by a literal 12 year old

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[#talesofvesperia] I wanted to show her Halure's flowers in full bloom... then maybe...

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my Secret Santa piece for @/Thornbriar on tumblr!! i had a lot of fun with this and it was a good excuse to draw more backgrounds QWQ

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im so close to finishing vesperia but final boss level grinding is testing my patience

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Didn't do much gaming this year, though I had a lot of fun with and Hoping to do way more next year! 💖

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Rita and Estelle were so cute in ;v; Even little me thought so

I shoulda revamped this piece when the definitive edition came out :'D

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The rest of the 'Tales of' chibis I've done so far! I have a gigantic list of other characters I want to draw too... need the ability to skip sleep to draw more. 💜💙💜

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