Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue on our Journey of Regeneration and uncover the truth!

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when i learned kratos was a knight i took that personally

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue opening the seals on our Journey of Regeneration!

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Dug out some of my older ToS art, since I'm rediscovering how much I love this game 😍 Most of these are pretty bad, but still fun, so I hope you enjoy 😅1/3

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue our Journey of Regeneration!

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Tales of Symphonia quick sketch 🎼✨

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we pause out Journey of Regeneration to get a job in Palmacosta!

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