
Does your MC's family approve of their day job?

Uzo is incredibly supportive of Etani's choice to become an assassin, even if he isn't happy she is forced to kill for Epharis and Alaric.

Etani and Uzo by 😍💜

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Does your MC have an iconic piece of clothing/jewelry? Something they wear often?

Since joining her brother in exile, Elizabeth's wardrobe is limited. She only has 2 dresses to choose from, but she's always wearing her wooden bird necklace.

Art by

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Do you mention food in your What has your MC eaten lately?

Gregory & Elizabeth just finished off the last of the meat pies & apples they got from a festival. They had some cheese, but now it's gone, too. Things aren't looking good. 😅

Art by

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Next, we have Bonetrinket @ AO3 as one of our Gory 18+ writers! She kept whispering Toga’s and Twice’s names over and over during intake...

3 5

R.I.P Denny O’ Neil One of DC Comics Best 70’s Writers!

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How much time does your book span from beginning to end?

starts in July & ends in September, so it's only a few months. Book 2 will pick up where it left off & will probably end in the springtime.

Art of the Cavendish siblings by

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Was your MC ever bullied/teased?

Although she was a princess & therefore untouchable by most, Elizabeth endured constant ridicule from her older sister. Bernadette envied the loyalty Bess had for Gregory & made her suffer for it.

Art of Elizabeth by

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I've got an easy question for you today.

What's your MC's favorite animal? Does it come up in the story at all?

Elizabeth's favorite animal is the blue tit bird, which is why she chose it as her royal symbol.

Art by

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ONE LAST WEEK to apply to Live To Serve, an FE Healing zine! We are looking for artists and writers! 🙌

Apply here: https://t.co/GgACRnkEpc

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What's a chore/task your MC has to do frequently, but really hates doing?

While staying at Mary's cottage, Elizabeth was responsible for feeding the chickens, milking the cow, and shoveling the poo from the stable floor. She wasn't a fan🤣

Art by

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I've got a question for your MC today. How do you think you'll die? In battle? Doing something you love?

Gregory: "Unless I secure more food & supplies, this winter could be the end of us."
Elizabeth: "Hopefully as an old woman in my bed!"

Art by

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Have any of your characters 'adopted' someone as a family member?

Etani simply decided that Uzo was her uncle one day, and he had no say in the matter. Thankfully he loves the idea.

Art by the amazing

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Your MC is stuck inside for the next few weeks. How do they entertain themselves?

Gregory would get back into whittling. He'd carve little wooden animals and Elizabeth would paint them.

Art by

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Who is your favourite side/minor character?
I'm kind of torn between several, and the incredible drew three of them!

Adella, Avadari, and Key.

They look so beautiful and adorable!

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What's your MC's drink of choice?

Elizabeth doesn't like alcohol, which is a bit strange for someone living in the 16th century. She prefers apple cider or milk.

Gregory's favorite drink is Malmsey wine.

Art by

11 95

One final preview for my piece in ✨Lambda Core: a Half Life charity zine✨ you can see the full piece by buying the zine in the link in the replies, as well as a ton of other artists and some writers! More information on the second pic...

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Tell me what you hope to accomplish by the end of this year! Writing, personal, art, whatever it might be, what's your goal?

This adorable art by 💜
Uzo, Daemon and Etani.

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