画質 高画質

Crying over kuroken and bokuaka like I do every second of my useless life

73 120

Um pouco de Haikyuu tbm, vcs me aguentem agora xD

16 132

“Hey hey hey!! I’m the best! Right Akaashi?!!”
“….Yes, Bokuto-san..”

65 142

Bokuaka pic-drawing with this hot is tough

9 16

bokuakakuro week fantasy – fire emblem au! bokuto is a dancer because of his ability to inspire his allies 💃

19 44

bokuakakuro week – “pain-in-the-ass kuroo-san”

11 20

bokuakakuro week – travel, as in, time travel! everything /is/ connected after all

24 32

Here my full entries for the HQ Ghibli Zine! ♡
wrote a GORGEOUS fic for our BokuAka Spirited Away AU: https://t.co/F30Nn8bJrl

185 321

Lil BokuAka doodle for chapter 246

14 31

Some cuddly BokuAkaKuroTsuki (well, mostly AkaTsuki) ❤

1 4

I don't have much time to finish these up today, but I can't just skip the date!!! happy bokuaka day 😍💋4/5

28 52

every day is bokuaka day but today is 4/5 which is super bokuaka day

126 189