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NEW FACTORY: set to build new £2m production facility, 's fourth factory in Sheffield https://t.co/pV866PFLeN

43 70

Sera mejor que empieze a estudiar mas ya qué quiero empezar a realizar y editar un proyecto que tengo en mente, no sera facil pero espero que salga bien 😆😆

8 123

In 2003 the tiny Mediterranean isle of Anchovia (around 50% smaller than Sardinia) found its entire human population made redundant when the island’s genetic research facility successfully produced mutant felines with opposable thumbs, thus enabling cats to operate tin-openers.

126 301

Sí aún no sabes usar a Yuumi 😻, el Team KD/A te lo facilitará con esta increíble guía.

Da click ➡️ en el siguiente enlace https://t.co/CC0xCIdTXh y compartenos tus partidas, que tengas un y que ganes todas tus partidas

0 1

A mi me gusta dibujarlos de ladito
ya que se me hace mas facil 😅😅

13 148

Uh, je suis pas facilement fière de mon travail mais veille au grain (et allez voir son twitter elle fait de jolies choses aussi ❤️)

2 3

The Umbrella Execute Training Center was founded in 1968 and Oswell E. Spencer put James Marcus in charge despite Marcus’ initial hesitation. The facility’s motto was “obedience breeds discipline, discipline breeds unity, unity breeds power, power is life”.

18 68

Hey les Scouts en puissance !

On vous dévoile une nouvelle famille de créatures. Gardez quelques FiletBall de côté mais préparez-vous, la capture ne sera pas facile !

CA 🖊️ : Mélio
UI 💻 : Jayzon
©️ Forêt Éternelle

3 5

La suite de la bannière :D ! Celui-là a été immensément plus facile à faire, ça fait plaisir de se sentir avancer :'D !

0 1

Trump Border Patrol Youth Detention Facility. Please share cartoons.

202 186

They are both of similar built, but Mister’s heels+tophat makes me think he wants to add height to his presence. Tough challenge - Kurogiri can still swallow at least 1/5 or more of U.S.J. facility if he wants to.

18 58

Ayer me dio un "me gusta" a un tweet mío. Como soy un facilón y muy fan de ella, he hecho esto. La ilu es lo que tiene.

14 374

Found my soulmate

He lives in 's facility and is fed by

2 15

Abandoned Mining Facility by JKRoots via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes https://t.co/OVJosrBXYn

3 10

Hel...lo. Every...one!
Asterios, and I. have, de...cided. to. expand. my, private. garden. and, open it. to all.

new. facili..ties. specimens. new, look.

If, there is. some...thing, you want...me to. include. walk...ways, fountains, others..tell...me!

11 53

Abandoned Mining Facility - Scientists investigating an old mining facility which was abandoned under mysterious circumstances.

4 47

quando o anime tem um personagem assim eu me apaixono facil

131 392