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The June 2016 Blue Heron Speaks Featured Authors are Jeanie Tomasko and Sharon Auberle! https://t.co/Sf9DNOeQES

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ムツゴロウ争奪戦!ダイサギをアオサギが横取りを狙う! Two Grey herons aim at the large egret which caught a Mutsugoro !

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight" - https://t.co/LJx2U58pAo

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Great Blue Heron in Breeding Plumage, watercolor pencil, 9x12 Bristol by:V_Writer

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by pemzenas if you like this check outhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BFByz-CEI5U/ Kylo Ren.

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuyim6H

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight" - https://t.co/LJx2U58pAo

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New artwork for sale! - "Great Blue Herons In Flight DigitalArt" - https://t.co/P9jeuy0KI7

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