Happy Birthday to mecha designer extraordinaire Kazutaka Miyatake.
Without him, , and Starship troopers would be very diff.

46 83

"Hey, Pouty. There are ten of us to choose from, but only I can kiss like this."

12 37

Film Stories Part 2: Romance is here!
"I want us to be more than FWBs."

4 17

"Can I borrow your wife?"
Does the 'bro code' mean nothing to you people?!

12 48

this anime was so cute!! i'll miss it! now to go read the manga i guess!

0 0

Огромный стальной гигант превращается, превращается... в прекрасную девушку. Япония.

224 123

nell'ep 13 sei la cosa più idiota/adorabile del mondo <3<3

1 0