Finally got around to drawing a very old fantroll of mine from around 2012-2013! His name is Reynar Acerus, and I used to RP with him a lot. He’s an asshole, a bratty punk as a teen and a ruthless criminal as an adult. A teal blood who uses the law to his advantage

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Our next is the holiday card and I made in 2013! Bu snacking on Santa's cookies!!! D:

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Redesigning my garbage from 2013! I was legit the most embarassing kid its amazing to look at this shit lol.

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I also did the monster girl challenge in 2013! I'll post my fave girls

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This is where I was really when Digital become 1 of the only mediums I would use because it was WAY easier to keep track of my stuff. ^^

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redraw from april 2013!
after 5 years... i finally learnt how to draw the other eye....

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Re drew an old art piece from 2013! Goodness I love how the pink looks !!

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OH OH OH! I found the perfect example to show how rooted in realism I was!

I made both of these in 2013! They were for a danganronpa zine before they were called zines. Same program, same tablet.

I struggled more with the first one. I was never happy with it.

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October 2018 vs. Febuary 2013!

I thought i wanted to do a Redraw <3

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Redraw of a picture I did back in 2013! I need to update my fursona's design as it has been this way for 5 years now, haha! My style has changed a lot since then. For now, enjoy this OG Roarie. Quick doodle by .

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Decided to redesign a character I made back in 2013! Mega Man and Transformers kicked off my love for robots and was a huge inspiration for me then, still is now. Decided to revive and rework the story idea I had for him!

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Revamping some Pokemon concepts from 2013! My original final evolutions for these guys were awful, so I'm keen to work on them a bit more! Still a big fan of these guys though!

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I made a redraw of one of my fav drawings back on 2013!

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Hey all! I apologize for such a long absence, but I do promise, I'm still kicking! I plan on returning, but I'll feel better doing so when life stops kicking me in the nuts every time something good happens. But here, have some ancient Crash beef I'll never finish! Vintage 2013!

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