画質 高画質

4. This is practically its part of the paint soon I be painting it all... soon I guess... I don't know... what I use is my humble cellphone with picsarts app so... "Esto es lo que hay puñeta"

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15 54

kalo ditanya tipe ku kayak gimana, jawabannya adalah karakter 🦑 😋 (pgn masukin lebih tp picsart cuman bisa mentok ampe 10)

25 155

anyone want my horrible picsart vox pics

37 253

is a popular # today! I’m Aub Diamant and my comic American Prince is a Supernatural drama for mature readers on Raleigh meets a little blue vampire and its gets complicated. 🏳️‍🌈https://t.co/diKpaBy34o

3 11

Guess I can at least keep posting my art here until Twitter shits the bed.
From start to finish.
My boy Joaquin Rose-Morales with his turkey vulture companion, Parca.

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