Don't buy into the media narrative

We know who has been in charge for the last 10 years, and it wasn't the greens.

12 60

Scott appeals to a higher power

189 378

The beauty you can bid on in this online auction for the CFA makes my ❤ sing! Buy art: raise $$$: feel good.

2 1

The backburning budgie smuggler...

66 127

In a swipe that suggests social media is ignoring the losses farmers have suffered during the bushfires Murdoch's The Australian continues it's "poor Scotty" narrative.

Social media has raised millions while you have to buy a Murdoch rag for him to donate anything.

177 439

While isn’t the only world leader to deny the impact of he is the one whose country is currently engulfed in fire & who could show true leadership & tell the world we need to cut emissions much faster. But no.

115 308

Scott tries to win back the support of his party

161 294

The gift that keeps on giving. Some of these are still relevant despite being published 4 weeks ago...

78 122

Kangaroo Island burns. My cartoon in today's Sunday Mail

19 25

No better illustration on what a sadly ridiculous world we live in, courtesy of

37 51

says, now, in the thick of the isn’t the time to talk about Climate. But if NOW isn’t the time, when is? So in a small act of defiance here’s some drawings about the & & fires (1st one from 2018). Talk!

98 218

G'day Australia, I've been really upset these past 7 weeks but today I'm Angry.
Angry at a government that chooses profits over the wellbeing and lives of Australia.

130 252