Take a look at the DesignSpark Environmental Sensor Development Kit, with interchangeable air quality sensors - https://t.co/UuWZPDoEZU

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In orbit Sentinel missions help us find answers to humanity's global challenges

Sentinel-1 ▫️ day/night vision
Sentinel-2 ▫️ monitoring
Sentinel-3 ▫️ &
Sentinel-5P ▫️
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ▫️

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It's official: Unhealthy has stretched across the entire state of Oregon.

Maroon is hazardous, purple is very unhealthy, red is unhealthy, orange is unhealthy for sensitive groups.

Tips on keeping indoor air clean: https://t.co/1r4wKGP6bz

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We are delighted to announce addition of 3 new layers provided by this week.

The new layers based on CAMS data are:

🌐 Total column Sulphur dioxide
🔥 Fire intensity
🌋 Surface ozone

👉 https://t.co/aoTSWqjCG9

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How sure are we that recent changes in are due to lockdowns? The effects are clear where strong measures have been in place for weeks, like China and Northern Italy, but in other places we need to be more cautious.

Find out why➡️https://t.co/0194ipqvN2

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Considering it is still winter there are a lot of hotspots across in the latest Atmosphere Monitoring Service GFAS data & high localised surface PM2.5 in the 24-h forecast (charts at https://t.co/DjET8FFt84)

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Awesome. The in is good. Have a nice day!

More: https://t.co/r1cGkO547z (3351).

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The NHS has been saving lives for 70 years! Founded on amazing principles, it has been a privilege to visualise and share their messages. Working with , we helped them spread the word about air pollution https://t.co/Qc2hlnw0l5

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