(Dante’s Inferno VS Devil May Cry)

-Random Encounter

Who wins, and why?

0 3


(Marvel Comics Battle)

Location: Phantom Zone

Who wins, and why?

0 10

Fight night again

Corvus the Raven boy
The Administrative blue boy Guilliman

Deathbattle between the both of them as we have Corvus before he went into the warp and become a demon and Guilliman with his new armor and the emperors sword

Who do you think will win this?

1 24


(Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat)

Who wins, and why?

0 3


(My Hero Academia VS JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

-Random Encounter
-Location: Greece

Who wins, and why?

1 6

is tasked with taking out & the How far does the Vampire get?

(Hellsing VS Demon Slayer)

Who wins, and why?

0 13

The took note of a Martial Artist disposing of villains… after an hour of planning they confront 🥋✨

(DC VS Fist of the North Star)

Can the Martial Arts Master & co. defeat Ken? and why?

2 21


(Marvel VS DC)

-Random Encounter

Who wins, and why?

3 17